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Mujer the Lord is with You

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

*The following is a reflection on the story of Mary, mother of Jesus being God-ordained and God-empowered. I reflect on her obedience to the Lord.

Woman, you held Salvation in the flesh and birthed Light in the world. Mujer, you are worthy because God made you worthy.

Seen and affirmed by the Lord, you carried the Son of God in your sacred womb. Set apart by the Mighty One, you said, "Yes" to the Divine while knowing the incredulity of this plan. You knew it and still said, "Yes" con manos abiertas.

God-empowered, God-ordained, you held a miracle that was Holy Spirit-conceived. You held him and nurtured him while knowing one day you would have a sword pierce your very soul for this (Luke 2:35).

"Vendrá dolor. Pero Dios tiene un plan. El Señor está conmigo. En El confiaré."

She is fierce and fuerte, always en movimiento con los planes de Dios. She is lovely and set apart, wholesome and beautiful, ready to receive and birth that which Espiritu Santo has stored inside her.

She holds tension and hope in the same aliento. Who knew that one day she would face the excruciating loss of her son and later find a glimmer of hope in life after death by believing en los planes de nuestro Salvador!

Mujer, what a privilege it must have been to raise a miracle that sets us all free, heals us, saves us and gives us eternal life. Your obedience and your “Yes” impacted this world.

This is a story of God's revelation speaking loud and clear to a woman.

This is a story of God gracing her with Life and Light of the world inside her.

This is a story of how God loves women, como Dios ama a la mujer.

God chose her specifically and chooses us to carry the Word, Hope and Light inside us as we continue to walk in obedience and walk in the favor and grace bestowed upon us by the Mighty One. Thank you Lord for this privilege.

Just like Mary’s Song of Praise: The Magnificat, we as mujeres join in a choir singing, “Our soul magnifies the Lord, and our spirit rejoices in God our Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servants. For behold, from now on all generations will call us blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for us, and holy is his name.”

Just like Mary, there will also be times for us when we feel the piercing of the sword in our very soul as we walk in what God has in store for us.

And this I say to you...

Mujer, vendrá dolor pero Dios tiene un plan. Confía y ten fe porque El Señor está contigo y su gracia y favor te acompañan donde quiera que vayas.


I wrote this piece thinking of how important Mary’s story is for all of us women. I wrote it knowing there was a deeper insight to learn from her obedience to the Lord. Her strength exudes the strength that most of us women already have-thanks be to God/being made in his image. Her story and “Yes” to God matter yet it may not always be included in most Advent preachings and nativity scenes. I am thankful that the book of Luke tells us she was highly favored, seen, and that the Lord was with her. We can definitely take a thing or two away from the story of Mary and be among the many God-ordained and God-empowered women carrying Holy Spirit-conceived dreams ready to birth that which the Lord has placed inside us.

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